When dawn comes, so much changes in our lives

By Pst. Peter Kahwai

There are times when we desire our dawn to come much quickly because of what we are going through. Each and every one of us has his/her own dawn. The bible in Genesis 32:22-29, narrates a story of Jacob, when he wrestled with an angel of God.

When dawn came, he told the angel that he could not leave him until he blessed him (Jacob). Jacob had taken everything that he owned including his two wives and two maid servants and eleven sons, to the other side of the river Jabbok. He was left alone. He was in fear of his brother Esau, and that’s why he needed time to be alone and consult with God. Remember, he was coming from his uncle Laban and there was no way he could have gone back. On the other side his brother Esau was coming to meet with him. He was in a bad situation; however, he knew his answer would come from the Lord.

That night he wrestled with the angle of God until the breaking of the day (dawn). That was the eleventh hour for Jacob. He knew when the day breaks, things would be good. He was asked his name and he said, “Jacob”, meaning supplanter. He was told that his name would no longer be Jacob, but Israel, which means to be blessed. His name was changed and everything changed in his life. He was blessed and Esau became a real brother to him.

What is my point today? The Lord is able to change your status and your life. Simply release yourself to God and He will meet you. Step out of the multitude and wait upon Him. Wrestle with Him and He will bless you. Sometimes we miss the blessing of the Lord because we grow tired before dawn comes. Therefore, never give up, but just persist on and your right time will come.

The famous former British Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill was once invited to a graduation ceremony. Everybody waited anxiously to hear his speech, but he stood up, he gave a very simple speech; he said “Never, Never, Never give up!”, then he took his seat sat again. Indeed my brother and my sister, time has come for us to experience the power and the blessings of God. Remember that when you come to the end of yourself, that becomes the beginning of God.

In other words, whatever challenges you have been experiencing for some time now will soon come to pass. God is there for you and he will do to you what He has always done for His faithful servants.

Now, what will you experience when your dawn finally comes? Well, these are some of the indicators that your dawn with God has come: Blessing of the Lord (Proverbs 10:22), Hope that comes from above (Rom. 5:5), Peace of God, A great breakthrough, Spiritual and Physical maturity, Emotional stability, A new name. (Gen. 32:28)

Thank you and may our good God bless you Mightily?
Rev. Peter Kahwai is the presiding pastor at PEFA Church, Mwihoko. He can be reached on 0720 264470.

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